Verx Capital
Introducing Fixed Capital Call Schedule For Individual Investors
It is as simple as...
Verx will call from you the same amount every year
When the GP calls more than the fixed amount, Verx covers the excess
When the GP calls less than the fixed amount, Verx passes on interest earned from money market account to you
Top Pre-Approved General Partners:
The Timing Uncertainty of Capital Calls is Stressful
One of the biggest challenge for individuals investing in private equity is managing capital calls
It is stressful for the individual and their advisor to predict the timing of capital calls (CC). Unlike institutions, high net worth (HNW) individuals (even ultra-HNW) do not have a lot of cash available.
This causes stress from the possibility of not being able to meet a CC or leads to overcorrecting and having too much in cash on the sidelines.
How Does Verx Get Paid?
Verx fees are largely offset by the interest rate earned from the money market account that we pass on to you
2% Arrangement Fee
If you have $1mm of Capital Commitments, Verx will charge you a 2% (20k) upfront fee
~13% Credit Facility
When GP calls exceed Verx calls, the credit facility kicks in